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Academy Council


Snowdon Village is part of the Cabot Learning Federation, a multi-academy trust that is responsible for a number of academies across Bristol, South Gloucestershire, North Somerset, Gloucester and Somerset.  Governance for a multi-academy trust operates at two levels.  At trust level, there is a Board of Directors.  The directors are accountable to the Department for Education and external government agencies, including the Charity Commission, for the quality of the education the trust provides and the effective use of the associated academy funding. They are required to have systems in place through which they can assure themselves of quality, financial probity, safety and good practice. The Board is provided assurance on a number of these areas through various sub-committees, as shown in the diagram below. Visit the CLF website for more information about the board.

Academy Council

At a local level, each academy has an Academy Council comprising of up to 13 Academy Councillors.  Academy Councils are responsible for holding Principals and their leadership teams to account for the quality and effectiveness of the academic experience of the students under their care with the aim of securing effective school improvement.  They do this through monitoring performance against an annual academy improvement plan, through monitoring risks and responses to risks, and by overseeing systems and processes for the safeguarding of children and the health, safety and wellbeing of academy staff.

Academy Council Members

Brigid Allen – Chair of the Academy Council

I worked in education as a teacher and school leader for more than 30 years, most of them in secondary schools in the Bristol area. After retirement from fulltime work, I have run the Leadership Development programmes for the Cabot Learning Federation, developing school leaders and head teachers in local schools.  I have been chair of an academy council since 2012 when I joined Frome Vale Academy Council. and was delighted to be asked to chair the new Snowdon Village Academy as it became established in 2018

I divide my time between visiting my ever growing family around the world, and continuing with my active role as chair of Snowdon Village Academy  I am still passionate about education, and in particular about the rights of all children and young people to be supported to achieve the best possible outcomes.  It is a privilege to work with Snowdon Village Academy Council.

Aderonke Faschade – Sponsor Councillor/Vice Chair

I work as a corporate solicitor in Bristol, the firm I work for has a strong presence in the education sector and we act for several schools and Multi-Academy Trusts. I became an Academy Councillor to be more engaged with my local community and use my skills from a legal and regulatory aspect at SVA. I also want to support young people in and around this great city of Bristol and believe SVA is an important part of that.

Deniece Dixon – Sponsor Councillor

Catherine Hickey – Sponsor Councillor

My name is Catherine Hickey, and I am the link Councillor for Teaching and Learning. I am the Vice Principal at City Academy and have been working there for 15 years. I began my time in education as an English teacher and have held responsibility for Teaching and Learning across the school as well as being the Safeguarding Lead. 

I have been an Academy Councillor for Snowdon Village since January 2022 and I have really enjoyed looking at the work that goes on to support all of the students at all of the sites. I think it’s really important for places like Snowdon Village to exist, and I look forward to continuing to make sure it’s the best it can be. 

Hannah Martin – Sponsor Councillor

Academy Council

Alex Davies – Principal

Sally Apps – Executive Principal

For any enquiries regarding the Academy Council at Snowdon Village please contact ​Sue Burns, Clerk to the Council – [email protected]

Academy Council Downloads

Snowdon Village AC Pecuniary Interest Register 2023-24

Snowdon Village AC Pecuniary Interest Register 2022-23

Minutes – 27 Feb 2024